Have you ever wanted a 'find and replace' function when amending proc code? Believe it or not one has existed since version 6, but it has never been included in any official documentation. Here is how it works:
- While in the trigger editor bring up the 'find' dialog box by pressing f8. This should look as shown in figure 1.
Figure 1 - the 'find' dialog box

- Enter the text you want find and the text with which you wish to replace it as shown in figure 2. In this example I am replacing all occurrences of 'wine' with 'beer'.
Figure 2 - the 'find & replace' command

- Note that this only works in one trigger at a time. It will also not do anything if you have not yet made any other amendments to the trigger - I get round this by inserting and removing a single space.
If you wish to perform a 'find & replace' for all triggers within a component in one operation (or even more than one component) then this is what you can do in version 7.2.04 onwards:
- Export the desired component(s) in XML format.
- Use any text editor (such as Wordpad in Windows) to perform the 'find & replace' on the XML file.
- Import the modified XML file
Tony Marston
1st June 2002